Loss Alerts Home

The Loss Alerts product offers the ability to monitor VINs when vehicles are stolen, impounded, salvaged, exported, or experience other loss types. Agencies are not always immediately informed what locationis holding a vehicle, so Loss Alerts provides alerts on vehicles as soon as possible. This allows automobile finance companies to be proactive in handling vehicle loss. 

VINs are checked every 24 hours and updated for losses. Alerts are loaded chronologically, and the most recent VIN with a loss will display first. When you initially upload a VIN and add Loss Alert monitoring, you will see the previous 30 days of loss data. Afterwards, daily loss monitoring will start.      

To begin:

  1. Select the Loss Alerts button on the DRNsights Plus home page. The Loss Alerts page displays.     

  1. The Loss Type column will display vehicles that have losses associated with them, although not all vehicles displayed in the list will have a loss type. Select Loss Alerts in the Product column to view the desired record. 

The Loss Alerts Results page will display data based on the loss type. The page displays make and model information at the top.

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