Primary Vehicle

On the Vehicle Search home page, on a vehicle entry, click into the Primary Vehicle column to view extra features.

To utilize those features:

  1. Select the bell icon to configure or subscribe to an alert for that specific VIN.
    1. Enter a Name for the subscription, choose the type of subscription, and configure Email Frequency. Select Save when complete. 

  1. Select the status button to set the vehicle as Active or InActive.    
  2. In the More Actions, you can do the following:
    1. + Address- add additional addresses to the record
    2. Decode Vin- obtain the vehicle year, make, and model
    3. Get Scans- check for any additional scans
    4. Get Plate-  check registration records to ensure the license plate is aligned with the proper VIN

Request Location Report- obtain report on locations at which vehicle has been scanned

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